
Gender: Male
Birthdate: April 2023
Health Issues: None
Personality: Friendly to all. Loves to play and loves to be pet
Special Notes: Brother of Sora and Ruka

Umi, along with brother Sora and sister Ruka, was rescued at a very young age from the streets of Kyoto. The three of them have been fostered by families in both Kyoto and Tokyo, and we are now looking for a forever home for them.

Umi is a big gray tabby boy who loves getting pets, food, treats, and playing.

Umi looks almost identical to Sora and he also loves all the same things. The difference is that he’s not quite as *ahem* enthusiastic about eating as Sora is. (Sora will vacuum up his food so fast he’s a blur!) Umi loves to play and loves to be pet, but he’s a little less likely to need your attention, so might work better in a home where the humans leave for work during the day.

We know it would be very difficult to find a family that can adopt all three of these siblings together (although of course that would be the ideal situation!) so as the second best option, we will adopt one of the two boys (Sora or Umi) on their own to a family that already has one cat, and then Ruka (the girl of the trio) and the second brother will need to be adopted together. The exact combination (which of the two boys) would depend on the dynamic of your home and which of the boys’ personalities would fit better in that dynamic.



