Birthdate: July 2021
Health Issues: Left eye gets crusty and needs occasional wiping.
Personality: Playful, approachable, friendly
Special Notes: Sibling of Floyd and must be adopted with him.
Jade can only be described as “round.” She's like a little ball when she sits like a loaf, she curls her little feet together when you pick her up, and the way she tucks her tail against her body when she walks makes her look even rounder.
Her tiny squished face is irresistibly cute, but despite seeming like a refined lady, she becomes absolutely unhinged during playtime and gallops around like nobody's business. And while she doesn’t often seek affection on her own, she never refuses pets and will often roll over for you to rub her soft tummy.
She loves cuddling up to her brother, Floyd, and they often groom, nap, and play wrestle together. Sometimes, you can even catch them kneading furiously on each other’s tummies. Because they are so bonded, Jade must be adopted with Floyd.